How to setup Straight Talk iPhone APN Settings?

Having issues with your new Straight Talk iPhone apn settings? Follow below steps to configure internet and mms settings for iphone 6.

Straight Talk apn settings are mainly having two versions based on the mobile network carrier you are linked with. It can be either AT&T or TMobile. Both of these have two different settings.

If you looking for android settings, then please read this post: Straight Talk apn for android.

How to configure Straight Talk iPhone APN Settings ?

  1. The steps to follow to setup the apn settings are same in the new iOS 8 version of iPhone as well and you need to follow the usual steps of tapping on the Settings > General.
  2. Then select Network and tap on the Cellular Data Network. You might see already existing an over there. Simply delete that (if you wish, you can also take a note of this existing apn settings). Then create a new apn and provide the details as mentioned below.
  3. Enter the below settings details. AT&T Straight talk apn settings are given below:
    • Name: straight talk
    • APN: tfdata
    • MMSC:
    • MMS proxy:
    • MMS port: 80
    • MCC: 310
    • MNC: 410

You don’t have to change anything else in the rest of the input fields, You just leave them with the default or empty values.

straight talk iphone 6 apn

If you are looking for T Mobile network straight talk apn settings then use the below settings.
T-Mobile Straight talk apn settings for iphone 6 are :

  • Name: straight talk
  • APN: wap.tracfone
  • Port: 8080
  • MMSC:
  • MMS Proxy: Leave blank
  • MMS Port: Leave blank
  • MCC: 310
  • MNC: 410

The rest of the fields can be left as such with the default or empty values.
The same settings also work for iPhone 6 Plus. After setting up the apn you can browse internet and send mms from your iPhone 6. You might also have to restart the phone and try if it this didn’t work at first time.

jenn angela
Jenn Angela

Jenn Angela is a seasoned technology writer specializing in US mobile and telecommunications. As a contributor to, she offers clear insights on industry trends and provider analysis. With a practical approach honed through real-world experience, Jenn is a trusted voice in navigating the fast-evolving world of mobile technology.

3 thoughts on “How to setup Straight Talk iPhone APN Settings?”

  1. These instructions do not work with the iPhone 6 plus, straighttalk said they do not have settings for all features to work

    • If you are or used to be a t-mobile carrier Just follow this instructions
      APN: wap.tracfone
      MMS Proxy: Leave blank
      MMS Port: Leave blank
      On settings look for carrier and Turn OFF Automatic, wait for searching, you are going to see a list of carrier like: T-mobile, Verizon, AT&T, etc… choose the one apply’s to you(For me was T-mobile)
      Power OFF your cell phone. That should be it. i also have an iPhone 6

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