Expo Mobile Cell Phone Plans – Prepaid/Monthly/Pay As You Go Plans

Expo Mobile Prepaid Cell Phone Plans

$19.0030 days500unlimitedAdd-onText: /unlimited
$30.0030 daysunlimitedunlimitedAdd-onText: /unlimited
$35.0030 daysunlimitedunlimited500MB 4GText: /unlimited
$40.0030 daysunlimitedunlimitedunlimited 2GTalk: /$10 credit
Text: /unlimited
$50.0030 daysunlimitedunlimitedunlimited 3GTalk: /$10 credit
Text: /unlimited
$60.0030 daysunlimitedunlimitedunlimited 4GTalk: /$10 credit
Text: /unlimited

expo mobile cell phone plans

Expo Mobile Pay-as-You-Go Plans

Per MinPer SMSPer MMSPer MBInt. MinInt. SMS In/OutInt. MMS In/OutNotes
$0.05$0.02$0.10 / MB
jenn angela
Jenn Angela

Jenn Angela is a seasoned technology writer specializing in US mobile and telecommunications. As a contributor to BuzzMobile.us, she offers clear insights on industry trends and provider analysis. With a practical approach honed through real-world experience, Jenn is a trusted voice in navigating the fast-evolving world of mobile technology.

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